Keyword Research in SEO: The Comprehensive Guide in 2023 – SeabuckDigital

Keyword Research in SEO


Keywords are the backbones of SEO. Hence, keyword research is the fundamental pillar to SEO. You, as a marketer have to know what millions of people are searching for every day on search engines like Google. If your blog articles are not based on what searchers are searching for then do not expect any Traffic to your website from Google.

Keyword Research

Fundamental of Keyword research

If you are a seasoned marketer in the field of SEO then this very basic will freshen up your prior knowledge. If you are a start-up in SEO then these next few paragraphs will provide you with basic insights on Keyword Research.

If you are having questions like what is keyword research and why it is still so important then please go through the next sections.

What is keyword research?

Keyword research is a form of digital marketing that involves researching and analyzing search terms used by potential customers.

It is used to identify the most commonly searched keywords related to a company’s product or service, and to determine how they compare to those of their competitors. By understanding the keywords used by potential customers, businesses can optimize their website content, ad campaigns, and other digital marketing strategies to ensure they are targeting the right audience.

Furthermore, keyword research can help businesses identify opportunities to create new content or products that are specifically tailored to the needs of their potential customers.

Why is keyword research important?

By utilizing keyword research, businesses can ensure their website content is properly targeted to the right customers and that those customers can find their website quickly and easily. Additionally, keyword research can help businesses identify new opportunities for content, ensuring their campaigns remain up-to-date and relevant.

Simply putting it this way – keyword research is an essential component of any digital marketing strategy.        

  • Insight to Marketing Trend: keyword research helps businesses to identify potential new opportunities and market trends in their industry, which can be used to create effective content and digital marketing campaigns. It can help businesses identify opportunities for creating content that will draw potential customers in, and help them keep up with the latest trends in the market.
  • Helps in Traffic Growth: By optimizing their websites for certain keywords and phrases, businesses can make sure that their websites appear higher in search engine results pages. This helps them to attract more visitors and generate more leads.
  • Helps in Acquisition of Customer: Keyword Research helps marketers to reach a wider audience and to improve their website’s visibility on the internet. This helps in attracting the right kind of website visitors and converting them into customers.
  • Article Topic: keyword research can help businesses understand the needs and wants of their target audience, allowing them to create more targeted content that will better resonate with them.

How to discover keyword ideas?

The process of keyword research starts you imagining being your own customer. What are the possible key phrases, or words your customers are inserting into the search engines? In simple words, what are the solutions to the problems they are looking for?

You have to have a good knowledge of your own business sector. A very handy tool that might help you with this is a Keyword Research tool like Ahref’s Keyword Research tool, Ubersuggest, MOZ, etc.

Discovering SEED keywords

Seed keywords are the words and phrases used to identify the primary topics related to a business’s product or service. They are the foundation upon which a keyword research strategy is built and can be used to find related, long-tail keywords to incorporate into ad campaigns and website content.

Seed keywords go beyond simply identifying the topics of interest; they are also used to gain insights into the customer’s needs, values, and preferences. Once identified, businesses can then use these insights to refine their marketing strategies and create content that more effectively resonates with potential customers.

For example, if you are into a travelling business then your seed keyword could be:

  • Travel
  • Trip
  • Tour
  • Holiday
  • Places to visit
  • Things to do in

Find out Keywords by competitors and what they are ranking for

Once your business has identified your seed keywords, you can then research what keywords your competitors use and rank for. This is an important part of keyword research and can help your businesses to gain insights into what customers are searching for and what products or services they are looking for.

By understanding the keywords that your competitors are targeting, your businesses can more effectively position themselves to compete in the market and reach potential customers. Furthermore, it enables businesses to find and capitalize on opportunities that their competitors may have overlooked.

You can type your seed keyword in Google search and see what comes up. The sites which are ranking on the first search engine result page (SERP) are your competitors. Well many of them could be strong contenders to compete with, so you need to dig deeper and go for more specific things.

For example, if you are selling trekking gear then you could search more specific keywords like “trekking poles” rather than searching for “Travel”.

Once you have listed down your relevant competitors then you could use a more scientific tool like Ubersuggest to find out which keywords they are targeting and which keywords are attracting more traffic to their website and how much traffic they are having per keyword.

Data fetched from Ubersuggest tool

Once you have checked all your competitors with the tool you will find a long list of relevant keywords. However, we need to detect what is the searcher’s intent behind these discovered keywords.

We will later in the article understand the searcher’s intent of a keyword.

Use keyword research tools

You can use Google Keyword Planner (GKP) which is free to start with. You can insert your seed keyword in GKP and get relevant keyword ideas.

Data fetched from Google Keyword Planner

The above keyword ideas were provided to me when I inserted the seed keyword “Travel” into GKP. Now you might ask where is the word Travel in the keyword “luggage”. GKP pulls out all the keyword which is related to the seed keyword like the one in the above example. That is GKP is so powerful.

However, GKP has its own limitations. For more intricate data for these keywords, use tools like Ubersuggest, Ahref’s Keyword Research Tool. MOZ etc.

Data fetched from Ubersuggest tool

Let us insert the seed keyword “Travel” into Ubersuggest and see what comes up. The above data gives you a keyword overview of the seed keyword with more specific information about it like Search Volume, SEO difficulty, Paid Difficulty, CPC (Cost Per Click), etc. This we have not seen in GKP.

Explore your Niche

Though the previous step will provide you with enough Keywords to start with it is still recommended explore other areas and platforms for having a deeper understanding of your niche.

Areas could be Wikipedia, Google Auto Suggest, Google-related searches at the bottom of the SERP,  Google Youtube auto suggest, Reddit, Other Search Engines like Bing, niche-related forums, Google Trends, Google’s People also ask, Social media, etc.

This will give you a wide variety of ideas about your niche and even will help you to pick a micro niche for targeting specific customers.

Explore seasonal keywords

There are keywords that you can target in specific seasons and events in a year. For example, if you are in the Travelling industry and are trying to sell winter accessories and apparel related to travel then you can search seasonal keywords from Google Auto Suggest.

If I type “Travel Winter Apparel” in Google Search then this comes up.

Google Auto Suggest

Google even suggests more specific long-tail keywords (this will be explained later in the article) like “What to wear to travel in winter”. Amazing isn’t it?

You can also go deeper into Google-related searches. Please check below the data that I have found with the above keyword in Google.

Google Related Searches

Explore Keywords by location

You can search keywords by location or specific region. For example, if I type “Travel winter” in Google then check out what the “People also ask” section has for you.

Google People Also Ask

Apart from SERP and other search results Google also provides you with the kind of questions and queries that are trending.

How to analyze keywords

You will be getting millions of keywords following the above methods but the question is which one will give you success and makes you stand apart from your competitors.

You need to use a few SEO metrics on a Keyword Analytical Tool to narrow them down and make a list that you can work with.

Let us go through each one by one.

For example, if I type a seed keyword Travel in Ubersuggest Keyword  Research Tool then below is the result.

Ubersuggest Keyword Overview for a Seed Keyword

Discovering search volume

These metrics give you an idea about the number of searches a particular keyword has in a month. For example, in our case, the keyword Travel gets a monthly search volume of 673,000.

You must remember a few things about this metric.

  • It does not give you the exact number of people who search for this keyword. It is an exact figure of the number of searches.
  • If you manage to Rank on the first page of Google then do not expect to get the exact number of traffic for this keyword to your website.
  • It is an annual average calculated by dividing the entire traffic in a year by 12 months.
  • It is always region specific.

Traffic Potential

If you check the Keyword overview of “Travel” in Ubersuggest and then click on the search results of a particular keyword then you will find what the traffic the top ranking pages are receiving is. This gives you an idea of the Traffic Potentiality of the said keyword.

Ubersuggest Keyword Traffic Potential

So here in the above example, the estimated monthly visit gives you an idea about the traffic potential of the keyword “Travel”

SEO Keyword Difficulty

This metric gives you an idea of how difficult it is to rank for a keyword in the search engine. It is expressed as a number from 0-100. More the number more the difficulty to rank. You have to face a huge competition to rank for a higher number.

There are a few factors based on which marketers judge the difficulty of ranking for a keyword. Ahref has wonderfully laid down the judging factors to be Search intent, Content depth, relevance, freshness, authority, Number (and quality) of backlinks, Domain Rating, SERP features, etc.

There is a correlation between Keyword difficulty and the number of backlinks that you need to have for ranking. Below is the AHREFS’ Keyword Difficulty Scale.

Cost Per Click (CPC)

This shows the average cost per click that any advertiser is willing to pay to Google to be seen as an Ad. This is an indication that the higher the CPC, the more that valuable keyword is.

For example the example keyword “Travel” of $1.74. This shows advertisers are willing to pay $1.74 per click for this keyword and it also shows that few people are searching this keyword with buying intention.

It should be noted that Search volume and CPC changes over time and they are quite volatile. CPC is more volatile than Search volume as Search Volume remains pretty consistent for a few months.

How to target keywords

Targeting keywords starts with analyzing the subject of the article. Identify the kind of page you want to create that will rank for a particular keyword. You can select a keyword or multiple keywords that will increase the chance of reaching your target audience and ultimately, ranking higher.

How to target relevant keywords? Let’s straight dive deeper into it.

Identifying and targeting Parent Topic

For example, we try to analyze a seed keyword camping in the Ubersuggest tool and have made a list of a few keywords that we want to go ahead with. We are targeting keywords with low SEO Keyword Difficulty from 0-35.

Data fetched from Ubersuggest

Obviously, we will go with those that have non-zero CPC and have more than 10 search volumes per month.

Now we have to decide on whether we should write a separate page per keyword or should we write an article based on related multiple keywords. It depends on a further study on how Google treats each keyword. Does Google consider the keywords a part of the same topic or different?

For example, in our list, we have two such keywords. “camping essentials” and “what camping gear do I need”.

For the first keyword below is the snapshot of Google SERP

Google SERP for Camping essentials

For the second keyword below is the snapshot of Google SERP

Google SERP for what camping gear do I need

You can very well compare the 2 SERPs and come to the conclusion the top-ranking pages in the search result are nearly identical. So Google considers “camping essentials” as a general query and considers “what camping gear do I need” as a more specific query.

So, writing a separate article on these two similar keywords would not be such a good idea.

Now if we consider another keyword “camping chairs” which is a camping essential but not treated as same as “camping essentials” by Google. Check the SERP below. The results below are all different from the above two. These are all E-Commerce sites.

Google SERP for camping chairs

So, we can consider “camping essentials” to be a parent topic, and “what camping gear do I need” could be considered as a sub-topic or more specific topic.

Explore the search intent

You need to study the intention behind the search for each keyword.

Informational queries

When the searcher needs only information and trying to know about something then that query is called an informational query. Most of cases we see blog posts in the search result. For example the case of “camping essentials”, the SERP is full of blog posts giving you detailed and unique information about what essentials you need when you decide to go camping.

Informational Queries

Navigational queries

When the searchers want to go to a particular place on the internet then it’s a Navigational query. For example, if you want to jump straight into the login panel of the Ubersuggest tool page then the SERP gives you exactly where to go.

Navigational Query

Transactional queries

If the searcher is looking to buy a train ticket or looking for a cheap price store then this is considered a transactional query.

For example, if you try to search “train ticket to Delhi” then it will be a transactional query.

Transactional Queries

Commercial investigation

Here the searchers are looking for a comparison of products to select the best one as per their needs and requirements.

For example, I want to compare Apple iPhone pro max 14 with the 13 before making a purchasing decision.

Commercial Investigation

Local queries

The searcher is looking for something locally. For example, if I need to search for restaurants near me then this query would be considered a local query. This kind of search result is often corroborated with Google Maps.

Local Queries

Keywords Prioritization

Now it’s time to decide which keywords you should start working with. Which are the keywords you should be investing your time and money on?

To decide the prioritization of keywords you could follow the below yardstick.

  • First, find out the estimated traffic potential of the keyword.
  • Second, find out the ranking difficulty of the keyword.
  • Third prepare and craft the things that are required to create a rankable page.
  • Forth find out the business potential of the keyword.

How to measure the business potential of a keyword

Marketers have created a map of buyers’ journey framework. This is also called a marketing funnel for lead generation. You need to estimate the business value of the keyword by mapping it to this said framework.

The framework has three stages.

  • TOFU (Top of the funnel) – This is known as the Awareness stage. Here you have the widest audience and hence the commitment is low. Here you need to provide informational content about any subject or about any solutions to the problems searchers are looking for. For example, if a searcher is looking for “Travel” then he might or might not go for a purchase.
  • MOFU (Middle of the funnel) – This is known as the Consideration stage. Here you prepare the content where it serves the research intent of the searchers who are looking for all the available solutions to their problems. Here the commitment is medium. For example, if a searcher is searching for “best airways” then he/she might end up purchasing an air ticket for his/her next trip.
  • BOFU (Bottom of the funnel) – This is known as the Conversion stage. Here the searchers’ commitment is high and they are looking forward to take a purchasing decision. Here you have to prepare content where you need to show them the value and sell the “why” and the direct benefits they are going to enjoy. If a searcher is searching the keyword “purchase Air Asia ticket online” then it seems the person is about to buy an air ticket.

Understanding the long tail keyword and these are the ones you should start working with at the start

There is no fixed answer to this. You could start by targeting the seed keywords and relating to keywords to it.

However, if you have a new site then you will be competing against huge companies who are having huge manpower and huge resources. These keywords are usually longer and more specific than seed keywords. For these, you need to keep a balance between a low-difficulty keyword, that has CPC, and has a little bit of search volume and a long tail keyword.

This will help you initially attract traffic organically. After an initial traffic generation, you could move to target your seed keywords.

List of few Keyword research tools

Google Search Console: It is a free web service by Google that helps you to monitor your website’s indexing status, search queries, crawling errors, etc. This will help you to know which keywords your website is ranking for.

Ahrefs Webmaster Tools:  This is one of the best SEO tools that I have come across. It handles millions of data across the internet and has a great capability of analyzing your website on different metrics.

Google Keyword Planner:  This is a tool for marketers who want to run Ads on their websites. An individual webmaster like many of us could be greatly benefitted from this tool as it provides a storehouse of keyword ideas.

Google Trends: Google Trends is a service by Google that helps you to analyze the popularity of topmost search queries in Google Search across various locations, regions, and languages. It uses graphs to represent the popularity of the keywords.

Ubersuggest: It’s a free and as well as the cheapest keyword research tool in terms of the subscription amount. It is developed by Neil Patel. It is the best tool that you can use as a beginner.

Answer the Public: This is now owned by Neil Patel. It provides all the auto-complete suggestions by Google based on a keyword. You will come to know what people around the world are asking for or looking for.

Moz Keyword Explorer:  This tool is developed by MOZ which saves you immense an amount of time to detect that profitable keyword for your business success.

Step-by-step guide to keyword research for your website

  • Use any keyword tool to shortlist your keyword.
  • Prioritize long-tail keywords.
  • Check the important metrics of your keyword like monthly search volume, CPC, and keyword difficulty.
  • Check what is the search potential of the keyword.
  • Check how your competitors are ranking for the selected keywords.
  • Now prepare yourself to create impeccable quality and informative content that exceeds the competitors’ quality for which they are ranking.

FAQs on keyword research

Is keyword research still important?

Yes, keyword research is still very important. It is still pertinent to SEO and search engine rankings. Without the guidance of this research, you could select the wrong keywords for which you could have zero or very little traffic to your website.

What is the purpose of keyword research?

The very purpose of keyword research is to guide you to find out the most profitable keywords that help you to target a specific audience. You can then build your content marketing strategy based on your findings.

What are keyword research tools?

Keyword research tools are essential for any marketing strategy. They provide the insight necessary to understand which words and phrases customers use to search for solutions and products.

With keyword research tools, marketers can identify new opportunities and gain a better understanding of their target audience. Additionally, they allow marketers to measure the performance of existing campaigns and strategies to make well-informed decisions on how to optimize them for greater success.

Can you determine which keywords you should create content for?

Creating content can be a daunting task, especially when trying to determine which keywords you should focus on. To make the process easier, it is important to first understand what content creation entails.

Content creation involves creating and publishing digital content such as blog posts, articles, webpages, and more. Content creation also involves optimizing content for search engine visibility, meaning that you will need to use certain keywords and phrases to ensure your content is seen by the right people.

 Is it possible to do keyword research with Google trends?

As businesses continue to explore ways to use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, keyword research is essential for success in the digital age. One of the best ways to conduct keyword research is with Google Trends, a powerful tool that shows the search volume of a keyphrase or word over time.

Google Trends also provides insights into the regional and seasonal interest in a keyword, helping users understand how their SEO strategies should change over time. Additionally, Google Trends allows users to compare the search volume of two or more terms to get a better sense of the competition in their chosen niche and identify potential opportunities.

Can you do keyword research with free tools?

Yes, you can do keyword research with free tools. However free tools have limitations and it’s always better to go for paid tools. If you are a beginner and just starting to get a grasp of SEO then you should avail free tools.

Can you do keyword research without a tool?

Yes, you can do keyword research without a tool. You can take the help of Google Search Engine and Google Trend to accomplish your task. This method has its limitation. Metrics like search volume, CPC, and difficulty will be almost impossible to detect with this method.

How do I know what keywords to target for my website?

Knowing which keywords to target for your website is a crucial part of optimizing your SEO strategy. To start, you should create a list of relevant terms based on your industry, target audience, and products or services. You can then use keyword research tools like AHREF and Ubersuggest to identify which terms are the most popular and have the highest search volumes. These terms should be targeted first as they have the potential to drive more traffic to your website.

Are there free keyword research tools?

Yes, there are free keyword research tools you can work with. Here are a few lists of the free tools

Should you do keyword research for paid campaigns?

Keyword research tools are also beneficial for paid campaigns. They allow marketers to gain insight into the target audience and identify potential new customers. With keyword research, marketers can determine which words and phrases they should use when creating ads or campaigns. This allows them to create content that is tailored to their target customers and will be more likely to result in successful conversions.

How does keyword research relate to SEO?

In terms of SEO, keyword research helps marketers to understand which terms are most likely to appear in organic search engine rankings. This allows them to optimize their content, pages, and other SEO elements to appear higher in the search engine rankings and attract more visitors.  By understanding which terms customers use to search, marketers can create content tailored to what their audience is looking for, thus allowing them to reach more potential customers.

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A Definitive Guide to Digital Marketing

A Definitive Guide to Digital Marketing in 2023 – SeabuckDigital

Digital Marketing

What is the definition of Digital Marketing?

This is 2023 and digital marketing still holds the most important position in the field of marketing.

Are you looking forward to a definitive guide to digital marketing?

Well! Look no further and straight away dive deep into the subject. The article encapsulates the important facets of digital marketing.

Digital marketing is a term used to define the process of using digital resources to promote and market products or services.

It encompasses all of the strategies used to reach potential customers through electronic media, such as websites, email, search engine optimization, and social media. By leveraging these digital resources, businesses are able to create targeted campaigns that attract customers and convert leads into sales. Digital marketing is a powerful tool that can be used to reach a wider audience and build brand loyalty.

In India, it was observed that there is a growing trend in the allocation of advertising and marketing spending from 2016 to 2022. The share of marketing spending in the digital field was 30 percent in 2021 and it is now predicted to reach 38 percent in 2023.

What is the importance of Digital Marketing?

In today’s world, digital marketing has become an integral part of many businesses. The main importance of digital marketing is that it is a more cost-effective way to advertise and reach a larger audience.

Digital marketing also allows businesses to track their success and target potential customers in ways traditional print or TV advertisements cannot.

With the ability to capture customer data and analyze it, businesses are able to determine the best methods to optimize their marketing efforts. This gives businesses the opportunity to create more personalized campaigns that are tailored to their specific audiences, leading to a better customer experience and higher ROI.

According to a survey carried out in the US in the first half of 2021, it shows that 41 percent of US advertisers chose influencer marketing as the more important marketing strategy.

Brand awareness

Brand awareness is an important part of digital marketing as it helps to differentiate a product or service from other similar products or services.

Companies can use digital channels to create engaging content that will help build brand recognition and loyalty with their target audience.  Additionally, digital marketing can be used to track the performance of campaigns, measure customer engagement, and provide valuable insights into customer behavior.  This data can be used to tailor future campaigns for maximum success.

A survey that was conducted in the third quarter of 2021 shows that in Japan 43.5 percent of internet users have discovered new brands by the method of search engines.

What is the difference between B2B and B2C digital Marketing?

Business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) digital marketing are two distinct approaches to digital marketing.

  • While both B2B and B2C digital marketing share a common goal of increasing brand awareness and driving sales, there are several key differences between the two.
  • B2B digital marketing focuses more on building relationships with businesses and finding the right target market, while B2C digital marketing is more about using personalization tactics to appeal to individuals.
  • B2B digital marketing also relies heavily on SEO and content marketing to build trust, whereas B2C digital marketing relies more on social media campaigns and creative visuals.

Ultimately, the goal of each type of digital marketing is to reach the target audience with the right message, no matter which type of customer is being targeted.

80 percent of both B2B and B2C companies uses Google Ads (source: WebFX). This goes to show how important digital marketing is for both forms of business.

Types of Digital Marketing

There are 12 types of digital marketing which are explained below.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential part of digital marketing as it helps to improve visibility and increase website traffic.

SEO involves optimizing web content and website architecture to ensure that it can be easily crawled, indexed and ranked by search engines. SEO also includes improving website structure, developing high-quality content, and using keywords strategically to target the right audience. SEO can help to create brand awareness and increase website visibility, both of which are key for successful digital marketing campaigns.

Search engine marketing (SEM)

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a digital marketing strategy that involves increasing a website’s visibility on search engines using tactics such as search engine optimization (SEO) and paid positioning.

SEM involves the use of both organic and paid methods to improve website rankings, driving more traffic and ultimately more conversions. SEO focuses on optimizing a website’s content and structure to best match search engine algorithms, while paid positioning involves the use of ads to drive traffic to a website. Utilizing both SEO and SEM can provide a business with greater visibility on search engines, helping them drive more traffic and conversions.

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is the use of various social media platforms to promote a product, service, or brand. It is a form of digital marketing.

It involves creating and sharing content on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn in order to reach and engage with customers. Social media marketing relies on the use of creative, interesting content that encourages users to engage with a brand or product in a positive way. From creating brand awareness to driving sales, social media can be used to accomplish many goals for businesses of all sizes.

Content marketing

Content marketing is a type of digital marketing that focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience—and ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Content marketing can also be referred to as inbound marketing, where marketers look to “pull” customers into their brand instead of having to go out and “push” their product or service onto customers.

Examples of content marketing include blog articles, ebooks, webinars, podcasts, infographics, and videos. It is important for businesses to maintain a regular content marketing strategy in order to attract, engage and retain customers.

Pay-per-click marketing

Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing is a type of digital marketing where the advertiser pays each time their ad is clicked. It is one of the most popular forms of digital advertising and enables advertisers to target potential customers at a very precise level.

PPC campaigns are relatively easy to set up and manage, allowing advertisers to quickly launch campaigns with minimal effort. Furthermore, PPC campaigns provide a great return on investment by ensuring that companies only pay for users that have a genuine interest in their product or service.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is an online marketing method that allows businesses and individuals to earn a commission by promoting goods and services.

Through various tactics, such as advertising and email marketing, affiliates can earn a commission on sales that they generate. Affiliate marketing is a great way for businesses to gain exposure while also providing benefits to their affiliates. This can help drive traffic, leads, and sales to businesses while also allowing affiliates to potentially earn income in the process.

Native advertising

Native advertising is an effective form of digital marketing that uses content tailored to an audience in order to promote a brand.

It differs from traditional advertising in that its content is designed to blend in with the user experience, making it less intrusive than banner ads. Native advertising has become increasingly popular in recent years, as brands look to create meaningful connections with consumers through custom content.

Content marketing and native advertising work together as a powerful combination to raise brand visibility, increase conversions, and build customer relationships.

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a form of the social media marketing that involves working with key individuals, groups, and organizations to promote your brand’s message, products, or services.

These influencers have a large following and can be used to create an engaged community around your brand. It can be used to create awareness and increase sales by connecting with the right audience.

Influencer marketing is an effective way to reach potential customers, as it can spread quickly through social media channels and has the potential to generate more sales and engagement.

Marketing automation

Marketing automation is an effective way to engage with customers and optimize a business’s overall performance.

By automating processes and using data-driven insights, businesses can maximize their marketing efforts through automated campaigns, customer segmentation, lead scoring, and analytics.

Automated marketing campaigns allow businesses to personalize customer experiences without manually managing each individual customer interaction. Additionally, automated marketing efforts can be tracked with analytics to inform future campaigns and target specific customer demographics.

Email marketing

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses email to send promotional messages to a targeted audience.

It is an important part of any business’s marketing strategy. It allows you to build a relationship with your customers, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales. It’s one of the most cost-effective ways to reach a large number of people.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is a type of advertising that helps you reach a mobile audience by delivering your marketing message on a mobile device.

Mobile marketing can include text messaging, email marketing, apps, and push notifications. It has become a vital part of marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes. With the growth of mobile devices, mobile marketing is a key element in today’s digital marketing business.

Video Marketing

Video Marketing is a great way to promote your business or product or service using video as a tool.

You can create video ads to create engagement with your mass audience as masses are more responsive to video than to text. Video marketing is a great way to increase brand awareness and sales. It’s a tool that can be used to increase brand awareness, increase sales, and build customer loyalty.

Having discussed the types of channels that marketers use in recent years, I must admit that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is not the leading channel of marketing worldwide. The below chart shows the most popular digital marketing channels marketers prefer. Can you guess what that is?

Yes, you have guessed it correctly. It is Social Media. A study conducted based on B2B and B2C marketers located in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States shows that 44 percent of the marketers have indented Social Media as the most popular channel of marketing.

6. What are the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in Digital Marketing?

Best 9 KPIs in Digital Marketing
Best 9 KPIs in Digital Marketing

Lead compared to Cost

This gives you a metric of the cost of each earned lead.

Rate of Conversion compared to Cost

This gives you a metric of the cost behind the conversion of lead into a client.

Clickthrough Rates

This KPI shows how many people clicked a link to complete a sale.

Level of Customer Satisfaction

This is also known as the Net promoter score which gives you the level of customer satisfaction associated with the business.

Website Traffic

This KPI is used to track visitors to a company’s website per month. You can get more intricate data from Google Analytics like visitors in pages, visitors in product categories, visitors by price filters, visitors in landing pages, and visitors on the blog.

Traffic per Channel

This metric will help you to check where traffic is coming to your website. It could be Organic Search, Direct, Referral, Social, Email, Display, or Paid Search.

Average Time spent on Page

This metric is an important factor for Google Ranking. The more time a user spends on a page means the page provides all the information the user needs.

Monthly Organic Traffic

This is considered to be free traffic and one of the most important KPIs. It shows the number of visitors who are accessing your site via Google search.

Blog Articles

Number of blogs being published in a month.

What are the benefits of digital marketing?

Below are the benefits:

  • A Powerful Tool: Digital marketing is an incredibly powerful tool for businesses in the 21st century.
  • A Broader Reach: Digital marketing allows companies to reach a much wider audience than traditional marketing methods.
  • A Cost-Efficient Approach: It can be done quickly and cost-effectively.
  • A Quantitative Approach: Digital marketing also provides businesses with valuable data that can be used to analyze their campaigns and target their desired demographics.
  • Digital marketing is more interactive than traditional methods, allowing for better engagement and providing customers with the opportunity to give feedback quickly and easily.

What are the strategies of Digital Marketing?

A digital marketing strategy is a well-executed plan where marketers effectively utilize various online channels like Search Engines, Social Media, Paid Ads, and other online mediums to increase brand awareness and pull customers to the brand.

You could follow the below steps in building an effective digital marketing strategy.

Create Buyer Personas

Marketers and businesses target potential customers through extensive market research, market survey, and sample interviews. This real data helps to create an ideal buyer persona. This helps marketers to design their marketing policies and effort in the right direction.

Recognize your goals and digital marketing tactics and tools that you need to execute

You must realize that your online marketing goals should be streamlined with your basic business goals. You need to select the right kind and relevant digital marketing tools. The right kind of tools will help you to measure your success at the end of the day.

You need to appraise your existing digital assets

You need to review and measure your existing marketing channels and assets. You have to segregate those channels and assets that you have owned, the media you have earned, and the media that you are paying for.

Evaluation will help you to understand the new assets that you need and the old ones you need to remove for your success. It will also help you to understand the time, money, and other valuable resources that you need to deploy in order to incorporate these new assets into your business.

Audit your content marketing strategy

Audit will help you in identifying those content marketing strategies which are working and those that are not working. The audit will help you to minimize the existing content gap in comparison to your competitors. This will make the content creation plan much easier and more efficient.

Audit your earned media campaigns

By auditing tools like traffic analytics tool you will measure the traffic from various sources like Direct Traffic, Organic Search, Email Marketing, Referrals, Social Media, Paid Socials, Paid Search, and other campaigns. This will help you steer your marketing effort and focus on those areas which are helping to achieve your business goals and objectives.

Audit your paid media campaigns

You need to measure and evaluate the performance of your paid media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Ads, etc. Through this evaluation, you can decide where to curtail your investment. The audit will also help you to decide on the platforms you need to continue with to sustain your success.

Integrate your marketing campaigns

Now you can draw and chalk out a well define monthly digital marketing plan.

To end with the discussion on effective digital marketing strategy, you can please check out the below statistics on the most effective techniques used by digital marketers around the globe in 2020.

The chart above clearly shows that the content marketing technique is the most effective technique used by current businesses. The survey shows about 17 percent of global marketers believed to be deploying and preferring content marketing strategy over other marketing techniques.

What are the challenges of Digital Marketing?

Below are the challenges of digital marketing.

  • Time-Consuming: A continuous process of creation of content takes time. Content creation is done by optimizing a company’s time-consuming marketing strategy.
  • Competitive: Making a brand stand apart from others is a daunting task. Competition with other Ads is really challenging.
  • Privacy of Data: The company often uses its own data to target consumers and there comes data privacy laws.
  • Ever-evolving Technology: Marketers have obligations to make user-friendly technology so that consumers’ journey to decision-making becomes easy.

FAQs – Frequently asked questions about digital marketing

What Is a Digital Marketing Agency?

Answer: A digital marketing agency is a company or agency that specializes in providing digital marketing services, such as search engine optimization, content marketing, social media marketing, and website design. Digital marketing agencies provide a wide range of services to their clients, helping them to draw in more customers and increase their online visibility.  By leveraging the expertise of a digital marketing agency, businesses can maximize the return on their advertising investment.

How Can I Become a Digital Marketer?

Answer: If you’re interested in learning more about digital marketing and how to effectively use it for your business, there are a few routes you can take. Taking courses, such as those offered by popular online platforms, can be helpful to learn the basics and start getting some hands-on experience. Alternatively, you can find digital marketing professionals who offer consulting services and can guide you through the process. Lastly, attending conferences and seminars that focus on digital marketing is also a great way to stay up-to-date on trends and gain valuable insights.

What Skills Are Needed in Digital Marketing?

Answer: In order to be successful with digital marketing, there are certain skills that are needed. An understanding of how to use various digital marketing platforms and how to craft effective campaigns for each one is essential. Additionally, knowledge of website design, analytics, and search engine optimization (SEO) is key to being able to develop a successful digital marketing strategy. Being able to effectively measure and analyze results from campaigns is an important skill for any digital marketer, as it allows them to make the most informed decisions about their strategies.

Why do I need digital marketing?

Answer: Digital marketing is a must-have for businesses in the modern era. It not only allows companies to reach more people than ever before but also provides detailed data that can be used to further refine and customize campaigns. Additionally, digital marketing gives customers an interactive platform to engage with and provide feedback, allowing for more responsive customer service. Ultimately, digital marketing is essential for businesses seeking to stay ahead of the competition and maximize their reach.

How Much Will Digital Marketing Cost My Business?

Answer: The cost of digital marketing for businesses varies greatly depending on the size of the business, the type of marketing strategy being used, and the number of resources available. For smaller businesses, it may be possible to execute a digital marketing strategy with minimal costs, while larger businesses may need to invest more money. However, digital marketing is often more cost-effective than traditional methods, as it reaches a wider audience and provides more detailed data that can be used to refine campaigns. Ultimately, digital marketing is a great investment for any business looking to expand its reach and maximize its potential.

What’s the future of digital marketing?

Answer: The future of digital marketing looks very bright. As technology continues to evolve, businesses will be able to reach even more customers, target their desired demographics more accurately, and fine-tune their strategies for maximum efficiency. Additionally, digital marketing will become more interactive, allowing customers to engage with companies quickly and easily. Ultimately, digital marketing will continue to be a powerful tool for businesses seeking to stay ahead of the competition.

What channels make up digital marketing?

Answer: Main 12 channels that make up digital marketing are Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Video Marketing, PPC (Pay-per-click Advertisement), Affiliate Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Referral Marketing, Mobile Marketing, and Display Advertisement.