How to find Trending Keywords on Google for Games

trending keywords on Google for Games
Trending keywords on Google for Games [Image Credit: Pixabay]

I. Introduction

Are you tired of creating game content that goes unnoticed on the internet? Do you fancy increasing your visibility and getting in touch with a wider audience? Then, you need to know how to find trending keywords on Google for games. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to find the right keywords that will improve your online presence and increase your website traffic.

II. How to Find Trending Keywords on Google for Games?

Finding trending keywords for games is essential if you want to attract more visitors to your website. Google Trends is a great tool that can help you find the right keywords that are currently popular among gamers. Here are the steps you need to follow to find trending keywords on Google for games:

Step 1: Go to Google Trends

Google Trends is a free online tool that allows you to see how often a specific keyword or phrase is being searched on Google. To access this tool, go to and type in your search query in the search bar.

Step 2: Choose the Category

Select the category you want to search for. In this case, choose the “Games” category.

Step 3: Choose the Time Frame

Select the time frame for your search. You can choose from the past hour, past day, past week, past month, past year, or a custom range.

Step 4: Analyze the Results

Analyze the results to see the popularity of the keywords or phrases you are searching for. You can see the interest over time, related queries, and regional interest.

Step 5: Use Google Autocomplete

Another useful tool is Google Autocomplete. When you start typing a query in the Google search bar, you will see a list of suggestions. These suggestions are based on the most popular searches related to your query.

III. Importance of Finding Trending Keywords for Games

Importance of finding Trending keywords on Google for Games
Importance of finding Trending keywords on Google for Games [Image Credit: Pixabay]

Using the right keywords can make a huge difference in your online presence. By finding trending keywords, you can:

  • Increase your visibility: When you use popular keywords, your content will appear higher in search results, increasing your visibility to potential visitors.
  • Attract the right audience: By using specific keywords related to your game, you can attract the right audience who is interested in your content.
  • Improve your SEO: Using the right keywords can improve your search engine optimization (SEO), which will help you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Stay ahead of the competition: By keeping up with the latest trends, you can stay ahead of the competition and attract more visitors to your website.

IV. Tips for Finding the Right Keywords

Finding the right keywords can be challenging, but here are some tips that can help you:

Tip 1: Use Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more precise and uncommon than short-tail keywords. They are usually longer phrases that people use when they are looking for something specific. Using long-tail keywords can help you attract the right audience to your website.

Tip 2: Use Google Autocomplete

As mentioned earlier, Google Autocomplete is a useful tool that can help you find related keywords and phrases that are currently popular.

Tip 3: Use Google Ads Keyword Planner

Google Ads Keyword Planner is a free tool that can help you find the right keywords for your game. It provides you with keyword ideas, average monthly searches, competition, and more.

Tip 4: Analyze Your Competitors

Analyze your competitors’ websites and see what keywords they are using. This can help you find new keywords and phrases that you can use in your content.

Tip 5: Use Google Trends

Google Trends is a great tool that can help you find popular keywords and trending topics. You can use it to see what keywords are currently popular and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

Tip 6: Analyzing Keyword Performance

Analyze the performance of trending keywords
Analyze the performance of trending keywords [Image Credit: Pixabay]

After using the above steps to find trending keywords for your game, you need to analyze the performance of your keywords to determine which ones are driving the most traffic and conversions.

You can use Google Analytics to track the performance of your keywords. Analyze the traffic sources and look for keywords that are generating the most traffic and conversions.

V. Best Practices for Keyword Research for Games

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when conducting keyword research for games:

  • Use a combination of primary and secondary keywords
  • Focus on low to medium-competition keywords
  • Analyze the keyword performance and then adjust your strategy accordingly
  • Monitor the keyword trends and then adjust your strategy accordingly
  • Use long-tail keywords for better targeting
  • Use keywords in your website’s metadata, content, and marketing campaigns

VI. Conclusion

Finding the right keywords is essential if you want to improve your online presence and attract more visitors to your website. By using the right keywords, you can increase your visibility, attract the right audience, improve your SEO, and stay ahead of the competition. Follow the tips provided in this article to find the right keywords for your game and boost your online presence.


Q1: What are keywords?

Keywords are precise words or phrases that people use to search for data and information online. They are essential for SEO and help search engines understand the content on your website.

Q2: How do keywords improve SEO?

Keywords improve SEO by helping search engines understand the content on your website. When you use the right keywords, search engines can index your website and display it in search results when people search for those keywords.

Q3: Can I use any keyword for my game?

You can use any keyword for your game, but it’s important to use relevant keywords that accurately describe your game. Using irrelevant keywords can harm your SEO and lead to low-quality traffic.

Q4: How many keywords should I use for my game?

There is no fixed number of keywords that you should use for your game. It’s important to use relevant keywords that accurately describe your game and use them in a natural way throughout your content.

Q5: What is the importance of using long-tail keywords?

Long-tail keywords are more precise and non-competitive than short-tail keywords. They help you attract the right audience to your website and improve your SEO.

Q6: How often should I update my keywords?

You should update your keywords regularly to stay ahead of the competition and keep up with the latest trends. It’s recommended to update your keywords every 3-6 months.

Q7: What keywords people use when searching mobile game?

There are many keywords that people use when searching for mobile games. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Mobile games
  • Games for mobile
  • Gaming apps
  • Free mobile games
  • Best mobile games
  • Popular mobile games
  • Action games
  • Adventure games
  • Puzzle games
  • Role-playing games
  • Strategy games
  • Multiplayer games
  • Offline games
  • Online games
  • Casual games
  • Simulation games
  • Sports games
  • Racing games
  • Arcade games
  • Board games

These are just a few examples, as the actual list of keywords used for mobile game searches is quite extensive and can vary depending on the individual’s interests and preferences.

It’s also important to note that people often include specific game titles or genres in their mobile game searches. For example, popular game titles like “Candy Crush,” “Fortnite,” and “Clash of Clans” are commonly searched for on mobile app stores.

Furthermore, some users may include platform-specific keywords in their searches, such as “Android games” or “iOS games,” to narrow down their search results. Others may also include words like “download,” “install,” or “reviews” to find relevant information and resources related to mobile games.

It’s also worth noting that mobile game search trends may vary based on factors such as geography, time of year, and current events. Therefore, conducting keyword research and staying up to date on current trends can help mobile game developers and marketers optimize their app store listings and reach their target audience more effectively.

Read More:

How to find Trending Keywords on YouTube – Seabuck Digital

How to find Trending Keywords on Google – Seabuck Digital


  • Tina Haze

    Tina Haze is a highly experienced digital marketer and co-founder of Seabuck Digital. With two master's degrees in Business Administration and Statistics, she has spent the last 7 years working in the field of digital marketing, helping businesses grow their online presence and achieve their goals. Prior to this, Tina also worked as a Branch Manager for a Real Estate company, where she honed her management and leadership skills. With 14 years of industry experience, Tina is a seasoned professional who is dedicated to helping others succeed. Through her writing, she shares valuable insights and actionable tips on effective management decision-making, based on her own real-world experience. For anyone looking to grow their business and take their management skills to the next level, Tina's articles are a must-read. Are you looking to make better management decisions and grow your business? Subscribe to Tina's newsletter today and receive exclusive tips and insights straight to your inbox!

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